Morde Chocolate Bar 1
Almonds 20
Sprinklers (optional)
(10 chocolates)

Image may contain: dessert and food
Step 1:
                Chop the chocolate bar into small pieces or strips (Take 1 slabs out of 3)
Step 2:
               Take double boiler - One bowl with half water and keep another bowl on it which does not drown in but stays up(Bowl above should be bigger than the bowl below)
Step 3:
                Add the chocolate into the vessel above and start the heat. As the water boils due to the vapors the chocolate in the above vessel starts to melt.  Keep stirring in regular interval so that the chocolate does not stick or burn.
Step 4:
                Cool the melted chocolate a bit for 2 mins or add some cubes of chocolate and stir so that the chocolate cools down
Step 5:
               Crush the Almonds or coarsely ground in grinder
Step 6:
                Add 3-4 spoons of melted chocolate to coarsely ground almonds 
Step 7:
               Mix and make a dough
Step 8:
                Make small rolls and dip these rolls into the melted chocolate. Sprinkle the sprinklers on top of the chocolate and set into the refrigerator for 5-6 hours

#Tip: Chocolate can be melted in the microwave as well, by chopping the chocolate and keep it in microwave for 20 secs then stir it and again keep for 20sec. This can be repeated till the chocolate is melted.


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